There are hundreds of types of diets and ways to lose weight in the world. But regardless of the choice of variation, the most difficult and responsible stage will be the opening. The beginning of weight loss is the most important stage that sets the tone for the later process. You should start a diet as carefully and thoughtfully as possible, especially if you are going to lose weight at home without resorting to the help of specialists. Everything must be planned and taken into account: food system, drinking regimen, physical activity. In this article we will show you where to start losing weight at home to achieve a guaranteed effect without damaging your health and psycho-emotional state.
Step by step instruction
The first thing any weight loss begins with is motivation and competent goal setting.These should be specific figures in kilograms or centimeters, and not "lift your belly a bit" or "look normal in jeans. "Vague formulations adapt very quickly to the desired result when strength and patience are exhausted. If there is no specific problem, after a couple of days you will look in the mirror and decide "it's fine as it is. "
Before you start losing weight, tell your family about your decision. Everyone who lives on the same floor as you should be aware of and support your aspiration. If you haven't received approval, try to convey your wishes and plans to the family so they understand how important it is to you.
Support from those closest to you at home is the most important factor in starting to lose weight.
And be sure to keep a journal in which you describe your feelings and accomplishments. The first page should contain all the parameters measured in the morning on an empty stomach: weight, chest-waist-hips. Calculate your body mass index. For clarity, take a photo in your underwear or some kind of clothing that is still too tight on you.
Develop a diet plan
There is no need to be intimidated by this word. The diet is not necessarily the Thumbelina diet (one and a half grains per day). This is a well thought out and calculated balanced nutrition system that allows you to stay in good shape, but at the same time not gain extra pounds, but also lose extra pounds.
It has two ways: choose a tested and ready-made diet or make a nutrition plan yourself, excluding deliberately harmful foods from the diet.
This includes:
- fatty;
- smoked;
- Very salty
- pickled;
- butter;
- roast;
- candy.
Of course, there is no need to rush to extremes and completely give up, for example, sugar. Just consume it within reasonable limits, but once again don't indulge in a piece of cake or a roll. And add sweeteners to the tea.
If you are not new to weight loss, then based on experience, you can probably come up with your own nutrition plan. If you are dieting for the first time, it is best to choose the ready-made option.
In your food journal, make a table where you will record everything you eat. This will help you keep track of changes in your diet and analyze which foods have the best impact on your results.
Here is an example of such a table (fill it in yourself):
Time to eat | Weight before meals, kg | Products | Calories | The amount of water you have drunk at this time. | Physical load | Emotional condition | |
Breakfast | |||||||
Second breakfast (snack) | |||||||
Dinner | |||||||
Afternoon snack | |||||||
Dinner | |||||||
Snack before bed (2 hours before) | |||||||
Total for the day |
Fasting days
Regardless of the type of diet you choose, be sure to organize your fast days for yourself. And don't leave them for later. The sooner you start adhering to this rule, the easier it will be to lose weight in the future. Include the first day of fasting in the first week of weight loss.
The fast day is not absolute starvation, it only limits the energy value of the diet to 1000 calories.. . . But it is better to start gradually. Let your first fast day allow for 2000 calories, the next 1500 and only then 1000. Yes, you will have to measure your portion sizes with a scale and use a calculator. I must say that over time this activity is delayed, there is excitement and interest in counting calories.
Tip!So that fasting days do not affect the emotional state too much, it is better to organize them after the holidays, when planning a feast with abundant food.
The essence of fasting days is that the body, in the absence of external nutrition, breaks down available fats to replenish energy stores.
Drinking regimen
This is a separate topic for any diet. Regardless of the meal plan you choose, you must follow the correct drinking regimen.The minimum amount of water you drink per day is 1. 5 liters.. . . This indicator is known to everyone who cares about their own health. A popular singer advertises that it is necessary to drink 3 half-liter bottles of mineral water every day.
The question is what kind of liquid it should be and when is it correct to drink it. Someone drinks bottled water, someone - from the tap or boiled. All these options are valid. The main thing is that it was clean water: these 1, 5 liters do not include tea, fruit drinks, juices. Drink water before meals and between meals. You do not need to do this immediately after breakfast or lunch. It is better to wait half an hour and then pour yourself a glass of fresh water.
We are loaded with motivation
Motivation is the main engine to start losing weight. It goes without saying that there is a purpose and approval from the family. But you need other incentives that will help you not go back to the beginning of the road, and will also support you during your weight loss. We offer several reasons why every woman can definitely choose motivation specifically for her.
If I am slim, then:
- get rid of health problems;
- I can wear nice clothes;
- stop being shy on the beach;
- I'll be more relaxed in bed;
- I will gain confidence in myself;
- I will be proud of myself, because I will achieve the goal.
Repeat your chosen reasons every day like a mantra. Some can even be written in prominent places, especially in the kitchen.
Motivation should never sound degrading. You can't say "I'm fat". You need to motivate yourself: "I will lose weight. "When there is a goal even in a sentence, it is easier to fight for it.
Visualization is a great way to motivate yourself. Look for pictures of you slim (young or prenatal). Remember how easy and wonderful it was for you. Hang them up and get inspired every day. If you've always been chubby, order a high-quality Photoshop to visualize what you'll look like without extra pounds.
However, you cannot start losing weight with shock counseling. If you weigh 120 kg, you don't want to see your photo with 42 clothing sizes. People with psychological obesity perceive thin people as not very healthy. Also, it can become a kind of barrier: it seems that losing more than half of your body weight is not realistic, you should not even start.
With what charges to start losing weight?
You can not do without sports, because losing weight is a complex process. Physical activity should be introduced gradually. First of all, we recommend that you get yourself a special training diary. Start your workouts with cardiovascular exercises aimed at burning fat. These are low intensity loads, during which muscle glycogen (fat layers) is broken down into lactic acid. Oxygen speeds up this process, so the essence of aerobic training is full and correct breathing during exercise.
The simplest form of aerobic training is running.Take a short jog on the first day of your diet.. . . Enough 10 minutes at a gentle pace to start the fat burning processes. If you don't start out with a lot of weight, and you have the strength for physical education, additionally do a general warm-up with stretches, jumps, push-ups and other typical loads.
Gradually increase your aerobic training time. Your maximum program: 30 minutes a day. If this is done regularly, the body will participate in the process and fat burning will be more active.

Other types of training:
- swimming;
- rollerblading, skateboarding, cycling;
- walk 8 to 10, 000 steps a day;
- dancing.
It doesn't hurt to buy a heart rate monitor with a built-in pedometer. For those who decide to start losing weight, it is important to look at your specific achievement numbers. We recommend that you also enter them in your journal. When at least a month has passed, and you are involved in losing weight, you can add strength training (the bar, for example). After you have pumped up your press, hips, and chest muscles, you will not only be lean, but you will also be in shape.
Tip!It is best for beginners to lose weight in the CrossFit gym. Collective activity is a kind of motivation. And the subscription pays too. It is unlikely that you will be able to evade training.
There are no excuses
Losing weight is difficult: a person is so built that he will find plenty of reasons not to.
Let's analyze the most common excuses:
- I have no time. . . Calculating calories takes a couple of minutes, and cooking healthy foods sometimes takes much less time than a large, high-calorie dinner. If you want to save time at leisure, exercise while watching your favorite TV show or program.
- I will die without a sweet! At first, it really seems like you can go crazy without chocolate and muffins. However, if you count calories correctly, you can probably add your favorite sweets to your diet.
- I already tried, but it didn't work. . . So you did something wrong. Change tack this time, find other approaches.
- I have no money for this. . . In fact, you can even lose weight to the benefit of your wallet. Save on groceries, and instead of hitting the gym, hit the sports field near your home.
- I don't know how to lose weight. . . There are gigabytes of weight loss information online - thousands of exercise videos and tons of diet examples. And even from our article you have already learned the essentials.
If you didn't know where to start losing weight, we hope our step-by-step system has helped you.
Five steps to a slim figure:
- Set a goal.
- Get support from family members.
- Develop an eating plan and keep a journal.
- Set aside 10-15 minutes a day for aerobic exercise.
- Get motivated regularly and avoid excuses.
To lose weight, it is important to start well: when you get involved, the process will be faster and more fun!